Kimberlie Chenoweth

Mentoring, Training, and Initiation for your life!

Kimberlie Chenoweth

Mentoring, Training, and Initiation
for your life!


“My life has changed 180° since I began my work with Kimberlie, and it continues to evolve every day. I began to see Kimberlie at my life’s and my spiritual ‘bottom’. As a woman, mother, and wife in my early forties with two young children I felt completely lost, depressed, angry, alone, and unable to cope with my family’s & life’s demands; I had no faith in anything. I knew I needed help as I simply could not continue living that way.

After working with Kimberlie individually and in my Women Weaving Wholeness group, I am a different person. I have rediscovered a spiritual base. I’ve regained my confidence. I have peeled and continue to peel back many superfluous layers, moving ever closer to my core and my truth. I have courage and confidence to continue to heal what needs to be healed and to walk in wholeness everyday – from a place of rooted presence, openness, and love. I have learned to stop fighting myself, the world, circumstances, others, etc. and just BE with what is so in myself and in life. I have learned that to connect to the land is to source an unlimited supply of strength, love, and acceptance.

I am learning how to live fully present in every moment and am thrilled to see my passion, my purpose, my place, and my work in the world taking shape in ways I could never have imagined before joining this mentoring program.

These changes have also had a tremendously positive affect in all my relationships! I am able to give and receive love in ways I never could before. I am growing into the person I truly am and have always longed to be.

Thank you for helping me know that I am enough. That I am capable. That I have the courage, strength, and support to follow my passion. And that my work in the world is why I am here.

Kimberlie, you are an amazing mentor. You have a seemingly endless wealth of wisdom and knowledge that you bring to our interactions in a way that is understandable, practical, and always helpful. You give the gift of bearing witness to my self, my journey, and my humanness from a place of presence, acceptance, and love. Thank you for being such a loving, kind, and wise woman.”

Jodi Pinkham

“So much of my life is changing because of our work together! I feel stronger, more confident of who I authentically am, more connected to my true sense of self. I’m homing in on my passion as a writer and artist, finding my authentic voice. My relationships are easier because I’m not giving so much of myself away anymore. And I’m clearer about what I actually value, so I can align my actions with what’s most important to me.

What a powerful thing to really get that no one else can do the work I am meant to do. This knowing clarifies my writing and teaching, so I’m not simply replicating what others have said and done. It’s freeing to know I can be completely unique in my approach to the knowledge I’ve been given about the divine feminine, even though others have been exploring the topic for eons.

Kimberlie will help you meet your true self in a way that you would not have imagined and will help you use your own vision and heart to grow into that self.”

Leslie Stoupas

“My work with Kimberlie started in a traditional therapeutic setting about twelve years ago when I needed support in dealing with my mother’s terminal illness. Our work together then was extremely beneficial and just what I was looking for at the time. However, about two years later profound healing, life enhancing, and re-membering work began in my life through Kimberlie’s Women Weaving Wholeness program which has positively impacted even the tiniest corners and hidden places of my life. I have worked with Kimberlie for the past eight years with Women Weaving Wholeness and during that time, I have unearthed life work that didn’t even exist in my dreams or visions, eradicated patterns that have kept me from living from a place of wholeness, (which is like peeling off the layer of an onion because the work never ends), and connected me back to my home where belonging always exists. The magic of this work also occurs in the collectivity of the program. There are four women that have been doing this work with me for years, and when we come together there is a greater wisdom that we tap into, a wisdom that I’ve never been able to deepen by just working on my own. We are truly Women Weaving Wholeness, but not just for ourselves, but for the good of the ayllu and for the good of all. Thank you, Kimberlie, for giving me the tools to illuminate and uncover my own life.

This quote sums up Kimberlie’s work . . . ‘The best teachers are those that show you where to look, but don’t tell you what to see.’ (Alexandra K. Trenfor)”

Amy Spradlin

“I am a seeker pulled to explore, unfold, and reveal my true essential self. I am grateful for the ancient, earth-based wisdom that Kimberlie brings to me as my guide and mentor. Her constant love and support help me in my quest to live an authentic life – one that is true to what I am here to contribute, what I am here to do.”

Hollis Sutherland

“Perhaps the thing I most appreciate is the magical synchronicity that unfolded – we all felt it. It was as though a wise and loving Presence was guiding the flow of the whole process, knowing exactly what each of us needed, weaving a web of sacred interconnectedness.”

Sonny Conley, Spiritual Psychology

“I have known and admired Kimberlie for years as a high integrity and very professional being that is caring and open minded to expanded healing.

Kimberlie, every circle, private session or group I have attended with you has led me deeper into my sense of self. I can see over the years how our work together has unfolded so exquisitely to the fullness of life I now embrace. Thank you for helping me realize that I am immensely capable of being an effective channel for the gifts I’ve been given – and to also be an effective guide for others.

Kimberlie is a compassionate wisdom woman, open to sharing her trainings and experiences heart to heart, compassionate and connected cultivating healing and self discovery.”

Lisa Dancing-Light, Singer-Songwriter | Director of Higher Octave Music Programs | Author of A Song and Story of Magic Mountain

“In the several years I have worked with Kimberlie, she has been my mentor in one-on-one sessions and also in my Women Weaving Wholeness group. In that time, Kimberlie has expanded and changed my worldview and personal experience. She has shown me how to access universal sources that feed my soul, wholeness, and becoming. She has given me guidance that has altered my life path and enhanced my ability to connect not only with my loved ones, but with everyone. I’m still very much a work in progress, and Kimberlie meets me right where I am, every time we meet. Even when I feel most confused and disconnected, I can count on her to truly hear my heart and offer deep knowing that always (ALWAYS) opens up a new door in my soul. 

Jennifer Perez

“I don’t feel so helter-skelter anymore, or like something’s missing. This is such a gift. This is me, really me. I’m in awe.”


“Think not yourself exempt from the tapestry . . .

This journey. Women Weaving Wholeness. My, my! The rich and gloriously structured threads of participation. Each, each! Imbued with the strength of courage. The weaving of an already existent wholeness into the bountiful expression of true belonging.

Thank you Kimberlie for the gift of you as the beautiful loom unto which this tapestry emerges.”


“Kimberlie has been a clarifying voice through several significant midlife changes. What she has brought to my process of personal development is invaluable. She holds space and elicits reflection that inspires me to transformation . . . every time we meet.”

G. Frontella

“You’ve done more for me in six months than 20 years of therapy did.”

William R.

“For my whole life, the inquiry into purpose only manifested one word. Remembrance. I was never quite sure what that meant. Through the deeper unfolding I understood it to mean remembering the truth of my being before any story or any attachment to identity. Maybe it’s just the pure spirit . . . .

Through the work with Kimberlie, I came home to myself. How beautiful is that? She helped me find a place of wholeness and belonging inside myself that was always there just waiting for my homecoming. And this has given me the ability to also help others who have struggled with a sense of belonging.

I believe that the best gift that I can give the world is to live from my true nature…which is infinite potential itself. Now I see that truth in everyone and everything on Earth. Remembrance.

Honestly, I had never felt so heard by anyone before my work with Kimberlie. That is a powerful thing. Her open curiosity and inquiry hold a very safe space to explore the deeper longings that may have been lying dormant, like a seed waiting for a little water and some rich earth.

If you are ready to be completely present and really real with yourself, you should allow yourself the gift of this beautiful guidance that is available.”

April Moon |Community Liaison Teen Program, Yampah Mountain High School

“Kimberlie has a perspective not quite like anyone else I’ve talked to. Her work is amazing.”Mary Borkenhagen

“My mentoring experience was life changing. It’s been like emerging from a fog and finding lightness and distance in vision where before you couldn’t see beyond your hand. It’s like feeling the earth under you for the first time, solidly planted and connected from above, too. It’s juicy stuff!”


“It’s a beauty walk to participate with Kimberlie! She IS divine love expressing!”


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